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The Canadian Continence Foundation was formed in 1986 to address the needs of consumers experiencing urinary incontinence. Until that point there was virtually no help or information available to the general public.

The Foundation is a national non - profit organization that is a registered charity # 89004 4746 RR0001 and can provide income tax receipts.

Therefore we rely on the support of individuals, industry, professional and corporate memberships and the sale of our documentation. This offsets the costs of translation, printing and postage.

Within the past four years the number of consumers we serve has increased by over 50%. In order to serve our consumers, expenses have increased.

The need is great as there are over 3.3 million Canadians experiencing urinary incontinence and through the natural aging process this number will increase.

One of our main activities is to raise public awareness and bring the topic of incontinence "out of the closet". This is being accomplished by a variety of ways such as public information forums, conferences, placing ads and articles in magazines and industries commercials that we see on television.

The Canadian Continence Foundation strives to encourage consumers to seek help from a healthcare professional and not suffer in silence.

We provide a wealth of information on incontinence, as we believe consumers are “taking charge of their healthcare” and information is power.

In recent years we are encouraged to see the development of many new treatment options.

The Canadian Continence Foundation has produced Canada's First Clinical Practice Guidelines for Treatment of Urinary Incontinence and co-hosts a day-long accredited course for Family Physicians.

We acknowledge with thanks the work done by Vector and Shift Communications on our new redesigned website and encourage you to take advantage of it.

Upcoming Events

UNC conference (Urology Nurses of Canada) 19th Annual Urogical Excellence Conference. October 26th - 28th in Montreal QC


36th ICS (International Continence Society) Annual Meeting

New Zealand
27th Nov - Dec 1 2006


SUNA (Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates) 2006 37th Annual Conference

October 27-30, 2006
Hyatt Regency Crown Center
Kansas City, MO

March 14-17, 2007
The Broadmoor
Colorado Springs, CO